C-h i
for the reference
defining a function
(defun function-name arg-list [docstring] body)
arg-list: (argument,[...])
- example
(defun square (x) "Return X squared." (interactive) (* x x))
local variables
(let ((name1 value1)
(name2 value2))
installing a function
- just evaluate the function
- if the function is executed when intended to evaluate the defun macro then you forgot a closing parenthesis
- if you get a „reached end of file while parsing“ at startup then
you maybe forgot a parenthesis
initialize an empty list
(setq mylist ())
add elements
(setq mylist nil)
(push "a" mylist)
(push "b" mylist)
sort a list of numbers
(setq list '(3.0 2.0 1.0))
(setq list (sort list '<))
sort a list of strings
(setq list '("b" "c" "a"))
(setq list (sort list 'string<))
write a list to the top of the current buffer
(setq list '("alma" "bert" "christian"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while list
(insert (car list))
(setq list (cdr list)))
make a list unique / eliminate duplicates
(setq mylist '(3 1 2 2 1 3))
(setq mylist (seq-uniq mylist))
return the nth element (start/ w/ 0)
(nth 0 '(1 2 3))
regular expressions
go to the next word after point
(search-forward-regexp "\\w+")
brings point to one character after the match
use the last match
(defun findword ()
(search-forward-regexp "\\w+")
(message (match-string 0) )
generate regular expressions
(rx (or "Hello" "Hi"))
- \( … \) means submatch (not ())
- use \{… \} instead of {}
- \d for „any digit“ does not exist, instead use [0-9]
- \W means „not \w“
- [^…] gets all tokens that are not part of the list, including new lines
(<= 3 5)
(= 3 5)
(= 3 3)
(= "abc" "bcd") ;; does not work
(string= "abc" "bcd")